Sunday, June 10, 2012

Two-Tone Water Marble

Stylish, professional-looking nails that are incredibly simple to make! You'll have people ooh-ing and ahh-ing and asking how you did it! These Two-Tone Water Marble nails are a must-have!

You will need:
  1. a wide, flat container that you can fit your hand in
  2. room temperature water
  3. an orangestick or toothpick
  4. two nail polish colors of your choice
  5. a top coat of your choice
  6. lots of napkins, if you are like me
  7. scotch tape
  8. nail polish remover
  1. Fill the wide, flat container with room temperature water.
  2. Put scotch tape around your finger and fingertip, leaving your fingernail exposed. This saves a LOT of time trying to scrub your fingers of nail polish.
  3. Slowly, pour a dime-size amount of one of your two nail polish colors onto the surface of the water. It should spread out or just sit on the surface. If it sinks, use your orangestick or toothpick to pull it back up the the surface.
  4. Quickly, because we must move fast before it dries, pour a dime-size amount of your other nail polish color onto the surface of the water, right into the middle of your first color.
  5. Repeat step 4.
  6. Using your orangestick or toothpick, drag across the surface of the water lightly, creating cool patterns and designs that are very swirly :-D
  7. Palm up, lay your fingernails into the water slowly. With the other hand, use the orangestick or toothpick to clean up any excess polish off the surface of the water by moving it in circles.
  8. Slowly remove your fingers and let them dry.
  9. Pull off the tape, and if needed, clean up with some nail polish remover around the edges.
  10. Apply a topcoat of your choice.
  • I've found that neon colors dry faster due to their ingredients and stuff.
  • I've also found that China Glaze works great for water marbling.
  • Some nail polishes dry faster than others. Experiment with different colors and polishes before beginning.
  • White does NOT show up, it fades into the water and disappears. :-(
  • Ignore my messy nails, I didn't clean up around the edges very well x-O

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