Monday, June 11, 2012

Ahoy! Sailor manicure! :-P

Arr, cap'n! You'll just adore these seaworthy nails! A cool, playful look that's sure to earn you some sealegs! :-) Arr :-)

You will need:
  1. A dark or navy blue polish
  2. A matte silver or thick metallic (if not, super light grey works too.)
  3. White striper or white polish w/detail brush
  4. Red polish (bright is nice :-J)
  5. Cotton swab and nail polish remover for clean-up
  6. Your choice of topcoat
  7. Dotting tool comes in handy but optional.
What I used
  1. Paint your Index, Middle, and Pinky fingers with the matte silver, metallic, or light grey. (white works too)
  2. Paint your Thumb and Ring finger with the blue. Let all nails dry.
  3. With the red (red stripers work great!!) polish, paint thin lines going horizontally across your Index, Middle, and Pinky fingers. If they are sized right, about 4 should fit on your Index and Middle, and 3 on your Pinky. Space them accordingly :-)
  4. With the white striper or polish and detail brush, start to draw the anchor on your thumb and ring finger. First, use the white and possibly a dotting tool to make a medium-sized dot near the cuticle of your nail. Then draw a vertical line going down from the dot. Make a small line near the top of the vertical line, as if it were a lower-case 't'. Then draw an upside-down half-circle (kinda like a smile) at the bottom of your anchor. Add triangles at the ends if you can.
  5. Use a smaller dotting tool or brush to paint a small dot of blue in the middle of the anchor's top (where the big white dot is). Your anchor is complete :-) If you have trouble making anchors, look up reference pics for help, or look below at my pics of my nails.
  6. Your choice of top coat on top to protect your design!
  7. Clean up around your nail with a cotton swab dipped in Nail Polish Remover if needed.
I absolutely LOVE how these turned out! I'm not repainting over these for a bit, sorry. x-D But don't worry, I'll find a model to work on :-P
Anyway here's how mine look.

haha, obviously BEFORE I cleaned them up x-D

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Domo Kun nail art!!

Couldn't you just DIE for this japanese cutie? Capture the silliness and mischeif of this slack-jawed japanese character at your fingertips. Literally :-)

You will need:
  1. Light brown polish
  2. White polish
  3. Black polish
  4. red polish
  5. a light and a dark shade of blue
  6. clear sparkle glaze for extra shimmer :-D
  7. Your choice of topcoat
  8. If you'd like to get very detailed, nail art brushes or dotters are great, but they are optional for this design. :-)
What I used
  1. Using the darker shade of blue, paint your index, middle, and pinky fingers.
  2. Paint your thumb and ring finger using the brown.
  3. With the lighter shade of blue, splatter some dots randomly onto your blue nails.
  4. A clear coat of sparkle polish on top of the splatters makes it nice and sparkly :-)
  5. Now to move on to the thumb and ring finger. Paint a white rounded square in the lower half of your nail, leaving a brown border around it. Fill in the white square. Do this on both fingers.
  6. (Here is where a dotting tool comes in handy) Draw two black dots for the eyes, above the square and spaced apart from each other. Little white shines in the eyes are optional.
  7. Be very careful, and use the red to make 4 V's in the white square, connecting to the top of the white square. The bottom of the V should be at the halfway point in the square.
  8. Do step 7 on the bottom half, making 4 upside down V's.
  9. Carefully color in any white spots inside the red lines. You should have 8 white teeth left.
  10. Apply your favorite top coat  and enjoy!

The blue nails should look something like this :-)

These guys turned out super messy! I'm sorry :( I didn't take a picture quick enough before it got all messed up.

Another view of my smeared Domo Kun's. The blue nails turned out perfect though.

Two-Tone Water Marble

Stylish, professional-looking nails that are incredibly simple to make! You'll have people ooh-ing and ahh-ing and asking how you did it! These Two-Tone Water Marble nails are a must-have!

You will need:
  1. a wide, flat container that you can fit your hand in
  2. room temperature water
  3. an orangestick or toothpick
  4. two nail polish colors of your choice
  5. a top coat of your choice
  6. lots of napkins, if you are like me
  7. scotch tape
  8. nail polish remover
  1. Fill the wide, flat container with room temperature water.
  2. Put scotch tape around your finger and fingertip, leaving your fingernail exposed. This saves a LOT of time trying to scrub your fingers of nail polish.
  3. Slowly, pour a dime-size amount of one of your two nail polish colors onto the surface of the water. It should spread out or just sit on the surface. If it sinks, use your orangestick or toothpick to pull it back up the the surface.
  4. Quickly, because we must move fast before it dries, pour a dime-size amount of your other nail polish color onto the surface of the water, right into the middle of your first color.
  5. Repeat step 4.
  6. Using your orangestick or toothpick, drag across the surface of the water lightly, creating cool patterns and designs that are very swirly :-D
  7. Palm up, lay your fingernails into the water slowly. With the other hand, use the orangestick or toothpick to clean up any excess polish off the surface of the water by moving it in circles.
  8. Slowly remove your fingers and let them dry.
  9. Pull off the tape, and if needed, clean up with some nail polish remover around the edges.
  10. Apply a topcoat of your choice.
  • I've found that neon colors dry faster due to their ingredients and stuff.
  • I've also found that China Glaze works great for water marbling.
  • Some nail polishes dry faster than others. Experiment with different colors and polishes before beginning.
  • White does NOT show up, it fades into the water and disappears. :-(
  • Ignore my messy nails, I didn't clean up around the edges very well x-O

Party Sparkle nails

I just set a record for myself for fastest nail-polish-art-ing. Here it is!

These sparkle-rific nails are sure to make you the life of the party! Fast and easy, while looking expensive and sexy - Night clubs are incomplete without these Party Sparkle nails! :-)

You will need:
  1. Black polish
  2. white polish
  3. 2 neon colors of your choice (polish)
  4. a makeup sponge
  5. a topcoat
  6. dense glitter polish
  7. Clear sparkle polish
What I used
  1. Paint nails black and let dry.
  2. Using the makeup sponge, dab your two neon colors onto the nail. Make sure not to use too much polish. NOTE: The neons might and probably will appear inverted. We are doing this on purpose.
  3. Using the makeup sponge, apply white onto the nail. Use slightly more polish this time,  and keep your dabbing inside of your neon colors. (don't spread the white out too much!) Let dry.
  4. Using the dense glitter, poke some fat dots onto the nails. Place them where there is the most black.
  5. Glaze over the whole thing with clear sparkle polish or sparkle jelly polish. Apply your favorite topcoat and you're done!

I went nail polish shopping today

I went shopping at Sally Beauty Supply today! :-)
Here's what I got. I have big plans for these new polishes!

Also I'll have my not-so-secret water marble nails out by tomorrow, because I have some awesome ideas that use my new Chine Glaze's! :-)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Juicy Watermelon French-Mani

These watermelon nails are sure to put you in a mouth-watering mood and they're a great way to start the summer off to a juicy beginning!

You will need:
  1. A pink base polish (I prefer a neon or bright pink for this design)
  2. A black detail polish
  3. A light green (pale is best) polish and a darker green polish for the rind
  4. Optional rhinestones for extra sparkle!
  1. Apply the pink base coat thickly and let dry.
  2. Use the black detail polish to add some seeds. Remember- seeds are NOT in any orderly fashion and are NOT all the same size! Make em crazy :-)
  3. Let everything dry and apply a THIN top coat.
  4. On the edges of your nails, paint a thin or thick pale green line for the rind. Make them all different heights and thickness- no two rinds are the same! :-)
  5. When previous step has dried, put some darker green vertical stripes on the rinds.
  6. Optional rhinestones. Thumbs are best for those.
  7. Let all dry and apply thick topcoat.

I've also got a special surprise, I've been messing around with water marbling...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ideas for this week!!

By the end of this week I will try to have these ideas out and ready for you. Tut's might not be complete yet, but you can wait. :-P



Watermelon nails


Mario Mushroom Nails

Eee, can't wait. I'll go clean my nails of their previous polish so I can start on these ideas! If you have any ideas for me, please leave a comment!!! :-)